Ultra Klean Power Flush Detox.

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POWER FLUSH Permanent Cleansing Detox Kit

Ultra Klean has designed the best detox cleansing product for anyone who is looking to rid toxins from there body. This 7-Day flush will leave your hair, saliva, and urine clean from any substances that may have contaminated them. The Power Flush is designed to be the best THC detox kit available today! The high quality herbs and vitamins in the Power Flush are not only effective but also certified Kosher and Parve. Included ingredients are dandelion, burdock, red clover and yellow dock. Follow the instructions and be clean in a week! For those with extremely high levels of toxins in their systems, two boxes are recommended for a 14 day total cleanse.

Power Flush Detox Kit Instructions:

Days 1-6: Take one packet of seven capsules in the AM with 20 ounces of water. Then repeat this process again in the afternoon between meals and on an empty stomach. During the day consume plenty of fruit and fruit juices, exercise, and consume a recommended 2-3 quarts of water at minimum.

Day 7: Continue the packets in the AM and afternoon. Then take the vitamin B-complex and creatine monohydrate capsules with the last packet of herbal capsules.POWER FLUSH